January 28, 2022

QNAP forces automatic update after DeadBolt ransomware encrypts thousands of devices

On Tuesday 25th of January 2022, a new ransomware variant called “DeadBolt” was observed targeting devices from Network Attached Storage vendor QNAP. The ransomware variant has been observed demanding a ransom of 0.03BTC (equivalent to $1,100) to unlock the victim’s device. On the ransom note that is attached, there is a link titled “important message for QNAP,” which displays a […]
January 28, 2022

UK’s leading double-glazing installer Safestyle is hit by ransomware attack

On Friday 28th of January 2022, Safestyle, the UK’s leading retailer and manufacturer of PVCu replacement windows and doors announced that it has recently been the subject of a ransomware attack which resulted in part of their website and IT systems being taken offline. Although they have stated that they have remained operational, continuing to sell, survey, manufacture, install and […]
January 27, 2022

Provider for major tech companies, Delta Electronics suffer ransomware attack by Conti group

On Friday 21st of January 2022, Delta Electronics, a Taiwanese electronics company and a provider for major tech companies like Apple, Tesla, HP, and Dell, disclosed they had experienced a ransomware attack resulted in the encryption of 1,500 servers and 12,000 computers out of roughly 65,000 devices on Delta’s network. Although Delta has claimed that only non-critical systems have been […]
January 20, 2022

Bank Indonesia confirms ransomware attack after Conti leaks stolen documents

On the 20th of January 2022, Bank Indonesia, the central bank of the Republic of Indonesia announced that it experienced a ransomware attack last month although Bank Indonesia stated that the bank’s operations are not disrupted because of the incident. According to CNN Indonesia, a Bank Indonesia spokesman said no critical data was leaked although the bank has stated that […]
January 19, 2022

Leading marketing giant, RR Donnelley confirms data theft occurred during ransomware attack by Conti in December 2021

On the 18th of January 2022, RR Donnelley, a leading integrated services company offering communications, commercial printing, and marketing to enterprise clients confirmed that data was stolen during the ransomware attack they have experienced back in December 2021. RR Donnelley stated they were not aware that any data from their networks was stolen back in December 2021 but they were […]
January 18, 2022

Fashion giant, Moncler releases statement confirming data breach after Christmas Eve ransomware attack

On Tuesday 18th of January 2022, Moncler, an Italian luxury fashion giant announced that they received a ransom demand related to a cyber-attack they had experienced on Friday 24th of December 2021. Originally, the incident was labelled as a malware assistance attack which resulted in a temporary outage of Moncler’s IT services to stop the spread of the attack. Therefore, […]
January 15, 2022

Russian police raids against REvil ransomware gang members results in seizure of $6.6 million

On Friday 14th of January 2022, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) in cooperation with the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia conducted police raids at 25 addresses in the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Leningrad and Lipetsk regions, which were linked to 14 members of REvil ransomware gang.  The raids resulted […]
January 14, 2022

German defense contractor, Hensoldt confirms ransomware attack by Lorenz ransomware group

Early this week, Hensoldt, a multinational defense contractor based in Germany confirmed that it experienced a ransomware attack back in December 2021 where some of their UK subsidiary’s systems were compromised. Currently, no public announcement has been made regarding the incident but the ransomware group who are responsible for the incident is the Lorenz ransomware group who claimed responsible on […]
January 10, 2022

Ransomware attack against FinalSite results in thousands of schools being impacted

On Tuesday 4th of January 2022, FinalSite, a leading school website services provider who provides solutions to over 8,000 schools and universities across 115 different countries suffered a ransomware attack which resulted in websites and critical messaging services hosted by FinalSite being brought down. “This impact may include, but is not limited to, Groups Manager, Constituent Manager, Login, Forms Manager (old), […]