December 10, 2021

80,000 Australian government employees impacted by ransomware attack on Frontier Software

On Thursday 9th of December 2021, South Australian government disclosed that the sensitive personal information belonging to up to 80,000 Australian government employees have been compromised following a ransomware attack that targeted the systems of Frontier Software who are responsible for the South Australian government’s payroll software. “The ongoing forensic investigation and other response activities conducted by Frontier Software and CyberCX has now […]
December 7, 2021

Nordic Choice Hotels IT systems impacted by Conti ransomware

On Monday 6th of December 2021, Nordic Choice Hotels have disclosed they had experienced a ransomware attack on Thursday 2nd of December 2021 which impacted the IT systems that handle reservations, payments, check-in, check-out and creation of new room keys. Because of the incident, the staff had to switch to manual procedures to carry out business operations. “Our investigations do not currently give […]
December 6, 2021

Hundreds of SPAR stores across northern England closed after ransomware attack

On Sunday 5th of December 2021, approximately 330 SPAR stores in northern England experienced a ransomware attack that has led to many of the stores having to close or switch to cash-only payments. The affected stores experienced a total IT outage which resulted in tills, credit card payment processing systems, and emails being impacted. Currently, it is unknown which ransomware gang is responsible […]
December 3, 2021

Ontario family support charity learns of ransomware incident after threat actors send emails targeting clients

On Thursday 2nd of December 2021, Social Enterprise for Canada (SEC), a Southern Ontario charity that offers family services announced they had learned they has been a target of a ransomware attack on Tuesday, 23rd of November 2021 which resulted in some of the servers supporting their email and IT systems being affected. They were alerted to the incident when it […]
December 3, 2021

FBI releases flash alert against the Cuba ransomware gang

On Thursday 2nd of December 2021, the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) released a joint TLP:WHITE flash alert which revealed the Cuba ransomware gang have compromised at least 49 organizations in five critical infrastructure sectors, including the financial, government, healthcare, manufacturing, and information technology sectors. The FBI also revealed that the Cuba ransomware variant is commonly distributed through […]
November 30, 2021

Australian government-owned energy company, CS Energy confirms they were a target of a ransomware attack

On Tuesday 30th of November 2021, CS Energy, an Australian government-owned energy generator in the Queensland confirmed they had suffered a ransomware attack on Saturday, 27th of November 2021 which occurred on their corporate network but did not impact the electricity generation at either of their power stations in Callide and Kogan Creek. CS Energy CEO Andrew Bills stated they were […]
November 30, 2021

FBI name known affiliate of REvil ransomware gang in court documents that revealed they had seized $2.3 million in Bitcoins

On Tuesday 30th of November 2021, the FBI revealed they had seized $2.3 million in Bitcoins on August 3rd, 2021, from a well-known REvil and GandCrab ransomware affiliate Aleksandr Sikerin, in a “complaint for forfeiture” court documents that were filed. The FBI didn’t disclose how they had gained access to the Exodus wallet where the 39.89138522 Bitcoins were originally being […]
November 25, 2021

Singapore offshore vessel operator, Swire Pacific Offshore experiences ransomware attack by CL0P ransomware group

On Thursday 25th of November 2021, Swire Pacific Offshore (SPO), a Singapore offshore vessel operator confirmed they had suffered a cyber-attack might have resulted in the loss of confidential proprietary commercial information and personal information. They have not disclosed any specifics of the attack but the ransomware group, CL0P have released a listing on their leak blog where they have claimed […]
November 24, 2021

The National Privacy Commission in the Philippines announces that S&R Membership Shopping suffered a ransomware attack

On Wednesday 24th of November 2021, S&R Membership Shopping, a membership-only retail warehouse club chain in the Philippines announced they had suffered a ransomware attack which resulted in data being compromised. The announcement was made via the National Privacy Commission in the Philippines when the Commission was informed of the extent of the compromised data. The National Privacy Commission revealed they […]