October 26, 2021

FBI releases flash alert against Ranzy Locker ransomware

On Monday 25th of October 2021, the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced that Ranzy Locker ransomware operators have compromised at least 30 US companies this year from various industry sectors. In a TLP: WHITE flash alert, the FBI states that the victims of the Ranzy Locker ransomware attacks included “the construction subsector of the critical manufacturing sector, […]
August 23, 2021

Italy’s Lazio region’s vaccination registration system down after IT systems were disabled by ransomware attack

On Sunday 1st of August 2021, one of Italy’s largest regions, Lazio region experienced a ransomware attack that caused the region’s IT systems to be disabled. It meant Lazio residents were not able to book new vaccination appointments through the region’s COVID-19 vaccination registration portal as it was also taken down by the attack. Nicola Zingaretti, the region’s president confirmed […]